So thats what my site looks like!!!
Beautiful mountain terrain. In La Loma.
Those are the kiddies i live with. They are beautiful and very loving. Happy to be able to unleash my affection on them.
So Happy Thanksgiving everyone!!!
Much to be thankful for...
Gods grace, beauty, and love.
Family love and support. They are they driving force in my life.
Friends support and love.
My campo.
My project partner who is a blessing.
What Ive been up to...
-Well counted that 58 kids were commuting to the middle school thats 1 1/2 away. Went with two other ladies from my community to solicit Education in Bani to see if we can expand the school in Los Jobitos to 8th grade. There is room and definitely enough kids. Just no teachers or supplies. The director said we have a chance of getting some teachers in February. Pray for us guys because this is a change my campo really needs. Until then ill keep bugging education so they dont forget our campo.
- Started a jovenes group. Turn out was astounding. We will be working on a Christmas show, filled with songs and quizas acting =)
-Working on a recycled paper project. Working on perfecting the consistency of the paper and cards. Its coming along. Im excited about it.
-Helped the women make and sell mistolin which is like Fabuloso. Very unorganized but cool. Right now were looking at raising funds to get them legalized.
-Came to the capital for Thanksgiving. Was in a swimming relay and in a talent show.
Another PCV sang a rap and i sang the hook and the chorus. It was awesome! We sang about the change that we have forgotten that we have the power to actualize.
Miss my family though. Its hard being away from them but im becoming madura. I dont cry anymore because i dont have the privacy to and in this country people dont cry.
So i dont know how i feel about that but Im fine.
One day at a time. Sometimes it hits me, Oh im living here for two years...
This is my life. Its a weird feeling. But im happy.
So im thankful for you. And all the change that we can bring about if we come together. Im thankful for this opportunity.
I hope you are great and happy!!!
All my love!!!!
Hey Vera,
ReplyDeleteThank you so much for helping out Los Jobitos. I love everyone there so much. I know that you're the right person for this community. Gracias, paz y muchisimos besos.
- Eleni